Mailing Lists


The majority of our lists are _not_ publicly-advertised.
Below is a listing of all the publicly visible mailing lists on Click on a list name to get more information about the list, or to subscribe, unsubscribe, and change the preferences on your subscription. To visit the general information page for an unadvertised list, open a URL similar to this one, but with a '/' and the list name appended.

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List Description
abtV Mailingliste der Abteilung V (Theoretische Informatik)
abtV-BaMa Studierende, die zur Zeit eine Abschlussarbeit in Abt. V schreiben
Abuse4 Kreis der zu Benachrichtigenden bei DFN-Warnmeldungen ...
Agcgklein Intern AG Reinhard Klein
Appearance Seminar on Digital Material Appearance, Prof. Dr. Matthias Hullin, SS2014
Bioacoustic-monitoring Communications of an International Expert Group on Bioacoustic Monitoring
Btf BTF Verteiler - Computergrafik intern
Btfdbb BTF Database Bonn (btfdbb) email list
crypto-alumni Former participants of the course Cryptography and interested
CTF Mailingliste des Capture the Flag Teams
Cvg [we are sorry but the listowner did not set a description]
Dma [we are sorry but the listowner did not set a description]
Dozenten-ext Externe Dozenten der Informatik
Evaluation EPG
Finanzkommission-Informatik Mitglieder der Finanzkommission der Informatik
GSG-OP GSG - Operational IT Informations
Lab-graphics Lab Computer Graphics (Basics And Lab)
Lc-dcgeom Discrete and Computational Geometry
Ma-inf2201 MA-INF 2201 - Computer Vision I
mailman mailman site list (INTERNAL USE ONLY)
Pg-compgeom Projektgruppe Computational Geometry, Abteilung I
Secure-messaging [we are sorry but the listowner did not set a description]
Seminar-kga-ws18 [we are sorry but the listowner did not set a description]
Trojan-breaks Austausch wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter
Usecap-staff Mailingliste der Gruppe USECAP
vl-atcg1 Lecture "Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics I"
Vl-atcg2 Lecture "Advanced Topics in Computer Graphics II"
Vl-cgbit Lecture "Introduction to Computer Graphics @ B-IT"
Vl-fog Lecture "Foundation of Graphics"
Vl-kga-ws18 [we are sorry but the listowner did not set a description]
Wdaqua-academic-supervisors WDAqua Academic Supervisory Board
Wdaqua-advisory-board WDAqua Advisory Board
Wdaqua-executive-board WDAqua Executive Board
Wdaqua-springer-book [we are sorry but the listowner did not set a description]

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